Why Transformation Tuesday is Overrated.

We are all so familiar with the mindless scrolling through your feed finding super skinny supermodels and these INTENSE and DRASTIC transformations. You may also follow that coach who’s clients post their every move on their feed tagging said coach so EVERYONE knows they made it to the gym or how hard their cardio session was. I know I used to look at that as a sign of success on the trainers end and want to be that client that got a shoutout or have those crazy transformation posts be about me!

Who wouldn’t?

Well … I will tell you who wouldn’t and why.

I am a trainer who has a very specific type of clientele for the most part. As I grew within the fitness industry I came to realize that I do enjoy working with clients who want LONG TERM & SUSTAINABLE results. This happens to actually LIMIT who will work with me and who I am able to work with. Those being two very different things although they may sound the same! I am open and honest with a client when I first meet with them. I will often refer clients to work with other coaches or suggest to them to find someone who will be willing to diet or train them the way they want. I will not sacrifice someones health for the sake of them losing that last 10 lbs they THINK they want to lose. I will however explain why I cannot and what my plan would be for that client to be able to achieve what they are looking for with wellness as our main priority. Because of this I know I will either have to say no to the client or the client will not want to work with me because they are looking for something I will not give them based of my integrity. I will go over my style of coaching & client in detail in one of my next blog posts but for now I will describe to you a few types of personal training clients and why not all coaches are able to post 1000 transformation photos a month. Also, why that doesn't take away from their success and abilities as a Personal Trainer or Online Coach.

This is the client that you will see posting their topless progress selfies on their Instagram, booty posing in the gym with their girlfriends, rocking their sports bra and not seeming to mind their body in its current state! They reached out to a coach because they want to be the ELITE gym goer. This client is USALLY young and confident already without even having been coaching with a trainer and just wants to add definition to their already above average physique. You also might find this client thrives off the unsustainable behaviours that make them seem hard-core and like they are once again, ELITE within their training realm. By uploading every fitness move they make tagging their coach for validation and accountability all in one you know that their coach is THEIR coach. This may give them some sort of status and sense of community. They have ZERO problem with their bodies being exposed on the internet for all to see.

This would in theory be your ideal “online coaches client”.

This client is giving endless (and FREE) marketing and advertising. They are easy to coach because they are attentive and excited to be apart of the team! This client is few and far between when you are NOT in an ONLINE setting and even in an online setting you can expect them to be committing to BIG name coaches or close friends in the industry. They can also be extremely intimidating as much as they are inspiring to some.


Client B would most likely be your average weight loss / lifestyle change client. They have likely tried a few diets or done some free or cheap online programs. They are familiar with social media in general and don’t mind posting a few casual posts here and there but you wouldn’t find any bikini or revealing shots of themselves. They would like to make some changes but are intimidated but the bikini competitor abs or salad and cardio only posts they see daily online. This client wants to make a change but would not be comfortable following an extremely restricted plan and might not even be comfortable in a gym at this point.

This would in theory might make up a lot of your online clients.

This client MIGHT allow you to post their photo once they have reached their goal weight and most likely will NOT allow you to show their face. They also most likely will NOT share on their own social platform. You most likely wouldn’t be “allowed” to post their transformation for at least 4-6 months (if at all) and with them not sharing with their family and friends you won’t be getting the referrals or reach that comes with her following of friends and family.

HATES the internet. That’s basically it. They will not be online & they will not take or post photos. They are not interested in being posted online at all and they will make that very clear! You may not even see photos of them as their coach. This is rare and not often I will catch a client without photos but it happens and I make it work as best I can and of course, let the client know that without a visual I cannot do my best job. This is totally fair and is a true personal choice.

My final reason for really truly believing that transformation Tuesday is a little overrated in the fitness industry is that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER. Plain and simple some people do not want their private and personal things online. Regardless of the fact that it is such a casual thing now to post your every move online we often forget the potential consequences in that. Once your photo is online you are at risk for more then just your boss or mom seeing it. It could be saved and used for anything around the world.

The reality is that posting a clients transformation photos on the internet isn’t a causal thing. It is and will always be a privilege and a right.

xo B

PS - I am currently accepting online clients & would love to chat more if you think having a Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach for your wellness goals would be best for you! Having a coach guide you with purpose and intent can change up your daily routine and help you hit your goals quicker and more efficiently! Click here to book in your complimentary one on one call with me today!